What Path Are You On?

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV

  • God will make known to me the ‭path of life. 
  • Have you ever questioned whether you’re on the right road? The right path? Did you read the “signs” in the right way?
  • For instance, when my husband and I are traveling, I like to notice different signs, it keeps me entertained and sometimes awake:) Like this one, "Obey signs". How many times has the Lord given us signs and we choose not to obey because we think we know better? Or this one, usually in a construction zone, "stay in your lane". Well, what if I like someone else's lane better? What if I think the path they're on is better than the one God has designed for me? Maybe I think they're on the "fast track" and my  lane is way too slow, things just aren't going  according to "my plan", God is holding out on me. But if I take things into my own hands, I could end up missing out on the blessings God has for me along the way.
  • I love John 21:22(ESV), where Jesus says, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”” ‭‭
  • Prior to this verse, Jesus,  had just been talking with Peter, asking if he loved Him, asking him to feed His sheep. John, the disciple known as the one whom Jesus loved, was there as well and Peter had asked what was going to happen to him. I love how Jesus, with love, basically tells Peter, none of your business:) Peter's only concern was to follow the Lord. I think sometimes I fall into the same trap. Concerning myself with what others are doing or not doing instead of focusing on what the Lord may be doing in my own life. So perhaps the lesson I need to learn is, Don’t be so concerned about everyone else's walk, worry about your own. Follow Jesus, because everyone’s walk is different.
  • I also like Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” 
  • Notice this verse says, plans for your “welfare” not for evil; to give you a “future and a hope”.  I just see so much encouragement in this promise, especially when there seems to be so much negativity around me, gloom and doom, “what if’s”, all of it can really set me on a spiral of anxiousness and worry. But that is not God’s plan! Even when I can’t control the things that happen around me,  I can remember that God is in control! Nothing that happens takes Him by surprise and that He can use all things for my good, to make me more like Jesus and strengthen my faith! 
  • Then there's this sign, “Don't pick up hitchhikers". Hitchhikers to me look like temptations. What "Hitchhikers" are you picking up along the way that slow you down or cause you harm? What "Hitchhikers" could possibly cause you to veer off the path the Lord has called you to? 
  • Again, this  Psalm says, "You make known to me the path of life". God has a plan that is unique to each one of us. We cannot live someone else's life nor can they live ours.  He will show us the way we are to go, He will not lead us astray. And even if we do veer off course, He has a way of getting us back on track. We just need to TRUST Him. And OBEY the signs🙂



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