What does “perfect peace” look like?

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Perfect peace? What would that look like? And how can we have this “perfect peace” in Christ during circumstances that are creating in us anxiety and/or despair? And wouldn’t it be nice to possess this kind of peace! 

  • This verse says, “The Lord will keep me/or us in “perfect peace” when our minds our steadfast; fixed; focused on Him, when we trust in Him. 
  • Do I trust in Him in the midst of a challenge; struggle; trial? Is my mind focused on God and what He can do? Or am I trying to figure out how to fix things or determine what the outcome will be? 
    Paul reminds us in Romans 8:6, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” So when we set our minds on the Spirit; on the character of God, then we have peace. 

    What does a “steadfast mind” look like? Does it look like Jesus asleep on a cushion in a boat in the middle of a storm? As Mark 4:38 NIV says, “Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?””

    Have I ever said that? Have you ever said that? Called out in frustration when things get overwhelming or difficult. Lord don't you care? Don't you see? What do you want me to do? Why aren't you helping me? But notice, Jesus is in the boat in the middle of the storm. He was in the boat all the time. He is in the middle of the mess. The deciples didn't recognize Him. Sometimes we don't recognize Jesus either. We struggle to see Him in the midst of our trials or pain or whatever it is we face. Psalm 62:5 says, "For God alone, O my soul wait in silence, for my hope is in Him." When we're in the middle of a trial or challenge, remember God is with us in that moment. We may not feel Him or sence His presence, but He is there. Sometimes we just need to pause, pray and instead of getting all frustrated and anxious and taking things into our own hands, trying to fix it in our own timing, trust that He is working on our behalf. As Jesus told us in John 5:17, “…My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”” Or even Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
    So what does “perfect peace look like? Perhaps it is remembering God’s faithfulness. Remembering He is in control. Perhaps it is the absence of fear, worry, doubt. Regardless, let us remember that when we keep our focus on God, trusting in Him, He promises “perfect peace”


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