Honey From The Rock


“But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭81‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

It is the second part of this verse that stood out for me, “With honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” I had read a book by Warren W. Wiersbe, called, “The Bumps Are What You Climb On”. He gave me another way of looking at this verse so I thought I’d share my thoughts. 

  • When you think of honey, you would of course think of something that is sweet. And a rock? Hardness. What if the rock represented the hard places you may find yourself in from time to time? The difficulties and challenges that come with everyday life? In this verse God promises to satisfy us with “honey from the rock”. Sweetness in the midst of, or out of the difficulties; hardness of our lives. So the challenge is, how do we find the sweetness from the struggles we face? How does God bring about the good that Paul speaks of in Romans 8:28? 
  • The first thing that came to my mind, was a challenge I faced a couple years ago. As a little background, being around my mother-in-law has never been easy. This is a woman who has no filter, her tongue can be as sharp as a sword and she doesn’t seem to care how her words might wound. So when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and I knew my husband wanted me to be there for her, my first thought was No Way! I remember going into the bathroom, my special place of refuge:) and saying to the Lord, I can’t do this, you know how she makes me feel, it’s too hard. And as I was pouring out all my reasons to Him for why I couldn’t do this, I felt like He was reminding me, You can’t, BUT I Can! Cue Paul, ”I can do all things through him who strengthens me.“ Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV

    What was the “honey” in the “rock” of this challenge for me? How did the Lord work this for my good?(Romans 8:28). I think it was the change I witnessed in my own heart towards her. The willingness to be there, to listen over and over again to her frustrations, to see her from God’s perspective not my own. To recognize she has “demons” she fights just like me, she too needs the love of Jesus. Easy? Heck No, but it was His strength and grace that kept me moving forward.
    So, maybe the next time you find yourself between a rock and a hard place (pun intended:), meditate on this verse and ask God to show you the “honey from the rock”. 



    1. So insightful. Author has a way of being able to relate to the reader!

    2. So easy to focus on the rock and miss the honey. Thanks for reminding me to look for the sweets hidden in the trials, Mary.


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