Remain Steadfast Under Trial

 Why is it important to persevere? What does the Bible say?

  • In Revelations, Jesus speaks to the Seven churches. To each one He gives a promise of various crowns if they “conquer”. Conquer what? Each church had its own set of trials and challenges. Jesus’ desire, I believe, was that they would persevere in their faith and trust in Him. 

  • In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul shares with Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.“ Who better to understand trials and difficulties than Paul! And yet he persevered. And shares, in the following verse, he will receive the “crown of righteousness”, not him only, but all those who “conquer”, who “finish the race”; keep the faith”.
  • James 1:12 says, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him". Trials are meant, I believe, to produce steadfastness through testing our faith; our love for and trust in God. They are to “grow us up” in our faith. As this verse says, we are blessed when we remain steadfast. So, what does it mean to remain steadfast? By definition, steadfast is, "firm in belief, determination, or adherence.” Do we stand on the truth of who God is even in the midst of difficulties? Do we believe in His promises and that He has our best interest at heart? It is not always easy to remain steadfast. I think, sometimes, the lure of what the world offers can be a stumbling block if we're not careful. Sometimes the need to "fit in", be accepted, go along with the crowd can seem a lot easier. Why rock the boat? But God calls us to be set apart; to be different. To not be conformed to the worlds standards but to live as Jesus lived.
  • James 1:2 calls us to “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.” Now, whether we “meet” or “face”, rest assured trials and challenges will come for the verse says, “when” or “whenever”. The key is how we choose to respond. 
  • We can try and run the other way; try and go around or take the easy way out, but His way is always through. How easy it would be for me to give up; quit; find another way to deal with whatever trial or difficulty; minor inconvenience, I might need to deal with, but James reminds us, in 1:3, that this testing of our faith produces steadfastness. So, I need to learn to stay the course. Don’t give up. What blessings have I missed out on because I gave up too soon? I have felt in my heart before the Lord reminding me that I have need for perseverance; to “stay”. To learn the lessons He may be teaching through the difficulty.

  • If I am to persevere; to conquer, not quit or give up, then I need to remember that these trials, challenges or struggles I face are “light and momentary” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). I need to see them as ways to draw closer to God. To remember He uses everything He allows to touch my life to grow my faith and trust in Him! (Romans 8:28). 
  • Oh that I, like Paul, may run my race and “finish well”!
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