Recognize Jesus in the simple things of life

  • I’ve been spending time in Mark 6:30-52, and several of the verses struck me while I was reading, so I thought I’d share. 
  • ‭‭The first verses that stood out for me were 31 and 34. The Apostles had returned from ministering to the people, and were telling Jesus all they had done. ”And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.“ Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭31‬ ‭ESV‬‬. No leisure to eat! That would have been a problem for me:) Anyway, He knew they needed to rest, to be refreshed, but what happens when they try to get away? People noticed and follow them! But, does Jesus become angry or frustrated at this intrusion or feel inconvenienced? No! Instead, “He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd”.(v.34)  He put the needs of others ahead of his own. Oh that I would remember this when I feel inconvenienced! How many times in my life could I have gone the extra mile, or could have done a bit more; put myself in someone else's place, but didn't. I can't go back and undue things, but I can go forward. I can slow down, take time to notice those around me, and help if I am able. Be more willing to give of myself just like Jesus did. 
  • Then there’s Mark 6:38, I’ve never paid much attention before but notice how Jesus said to them, “how many loaves do you have? Go and see…”.  Do you see that? Jesus is asking them to go and see what they had to start with! He wanted them to know what they already possessed; what they had to offer! Then, Jesus took what they had and blessed others around them abundantly! Never think that you don’t have anything to offer. Jesus starts with what you have and then blesses many! 
  • This point was brought home to me, when I was trying to decide whether or not to take part in a “sew-a-thon” back in September 2023. I love to sew, make quilts especially. I had an opportunity to make purses for young women in Africa in order to help them stay in school.You see, a lot of these girls drop out of school once they start their periods because they have no way of carrying much needed supplies, these purses make a way. My first response was, Oh I could never make enough purses to matter; I could never raise the money some of these other participants raise; no one is going to want to contribute. I almost had myself talked out of trying until one Sunday morning, one of our Pastor’s gave a sermon on loaves and fishes! I remember leaving that day and thinking, why not at least try? The Lord reminded me I can’t assume what someone will or will not do, don’t think for them, let them think for themselves. You don’t know unless you ask. 2 Samuel 10:12 can be so encouraging when you have doubts! “Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the Lord do what seems good to him.”“ Be courageous! Do what you can and leave the rest to God! In the end, I ended up making 30 purses and my awesome friends and sister helped me raise 1000.00! God definitely blessed abundantly! 
  • And lastly, there’s verse 48, which really struck my curiosity. It says, “he meant to pass by them…” What? Why would Jesus pass by the disciples in the boat, when He saw they were struggling to get to the other side of the lake, in the midst of a storm? I mean, for me to pass by something is like passing by the health food store and going to the ice cream shop instead:) But, perhaps I’m thinking of Jesus passing by them in the wrong way. Was there another purpose to passing by them? Another meaning?
  • So, I thought I would look for some other instances where the Lord “passed by”. In Exodus 33:18, Moses had asked the Lord to show him His glory and in verse 22, God did! Look what it says, “and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.“ God “passed by” in order to show His glory to Moses! And in 1 Kings 19:11-12(ESV), the Lord “passed by” Elijah in order to show Himself, not in the wind or an earthquake, but in a whisper. And then there’s the story of the man born blind, in John 9:1-3, “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.“ 
  • By passing by the disciples in the boat, was Jesus revealing Himself as God? The One who even the wind and waves obey; who feeds the multitudes; who heals the blind? In passing by them was He showing them His power and glory? But they did not recognize Him, they thought He was a ghost, until He told them not to be afraid, it was Him. Makes me wonder, how many times has Jesus “passed by” me, and I fail to recognize Him, because I’m too focused on the storm? Perhaps today, in the midst of our busyness, we can take time to notice Jesus passing by; notice how He is at work in our lives. Reminding ourselves we are not alone, He is always with us:)



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